S*Wonderwoods Norwegian Forest Cats

Chose day of mating by choosing the fleshes for year and month.
Click on desired date. The result is shown in the field below.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

The 2 nd day of mating is considered as the queens 1 st day of pregnancy.
Parturition may take place from the 61st – 70th day.
Kittens born before the 58 th day will probably be too young to survive.


Around the 21 st day the queens nipples begin to pink up and slightly enlarge.
Clearly noted especially on queens first pregnancy.

Expected day of confinement
The first admitted delivery-date according to SVERAK rules is 12 weeks.
The kittens are more socialized spending a longer period with their mother and siblings.

NB Used with the authorization from the Europé, Manx & Cymric BreedingClub
and translated into english by S*Wonderwoods.